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When I was in my teen years I felt I had no direction, no purpose. I actually felt lost.

One of the best things that ever happened to me was that there were people who prayed for me. Those prayers led me to a pastor named Reverend Roger Crassi who I believe was one of those who prayed for me.

When we met for a counseling appointment I don’t really remember what I said or what we talked about. I remember I was listened to. And I especially remember a truth being brought to my attention that I needed to be born again, saved by Jesus Christ. I had to pray on purpose to accomplish that. It didn’t just happen because I went to church and already believed in God. So, Rev. Crassi led me in a prayer where I on purpose asked Jesus Christ into my life. I didn’t know all that was entailed in that moment but what an impact it has had on the rest of my life. God has been with me every step of the way through all of life’s good and bad. He has sustained me. He is my source of everything good.

Now I am facing a new season at the age of 67. I feel a little lost again. But this time I know as I ask the Lord “What do You have for me today, God?” he will guide me by His Spirit.

AS I on purpose seek Him;
on purpose look for those I can help;
on purpose choose to love and forgive;
on purpose share the Truth with others like Rev. Crassi did me;
on purpose seek to learn and be humble;
on purpose go about doing good and healing all those in my pathway oppressed by the devil just like Jesus did that I will find purpose in each day.
By this point, after experiencing God’s presence in my life for almost 5 decades, I am confident as I trust Him one day at a time He will guide me to have purpose as I love Him, love others, and yes, as the Bible says, love myself.


Dear LORD, I ask that you lead me each and every day of my life. In times when I feel lost, lacking a sense of purpose or direction; may I remember to ask you for guidance. In doing so, may I feel your presence, your love and strength leading me step by step. Amen.

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