The heart of Christianity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The heart of the believing Christian is that of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The good news (GOSPEL) is that Jesus came from heaven to earth, gave His life on the cross which was payment in full for our sin, was laid in a tomb and three days later was risen up to new life.  

This resurrection life is available to us in these days of God’s grace.  The Holy Spirit moves in people’s hearts convicting them of the wrong in their lives leading them to repent (change the way they think about doing the things that are contrary to God’s ways) and see that they need to be saved from their sin.  Jesus Christ came as our loving Savior. Through Jesus Christ we are saved.   “Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE”  says John 14:6.  I love how in Hebrews 10:20 – 22  the Apostle Paul tells us that “Jesus has dedicated a new, life-giving way for us to approach God.  

For just as the veil was torn in two, Jesus’ body was torn open to give us free and fresh access to Him!  And since now we have a magnificent High Priest to welcome us into God’s house, we come closer to God and approach Him with an open heart, fully convinced that nothing will keep us at a distance from him.  For our hearts have been sprinkled with blood ( the blood that Jesus shed) to remove impurity, and we have been freed from an accusing conscience. Now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out!”   Jesus Christ came to show us the way, provide the way and to be the way to God.  That empty tomb is proof of the resurrection of Jesus and the resurrection power  that lives in us when we open our hearts and say “YES” to  him as Savior and Lord of our lives.  His motive is love.  His keeping power is grace.  His WAY is the only way.  His life showed the TRUTH about how much God loves us and is for us not against us. The resurrection is our LIFE.

If you’ve never opened your heart to Jesus Christ, please do it now.  
Pray this simple prayer – – – 
Heavenly Father,
I open my heart to you.  I believe in my heart that your Son, Jesus Christ is the Savior.  I say “yes” to you now .  Yes, come into my heart and clean me from all sin.  I thank you for saving me now.  AMEN
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