Everything We Need

Reading Time: 2 minutes
I have a love/hate relationship with grocery shopping. There’s something so empowering about making a list of needed supplies, looking around for the best bargains, and then purchasing everything you need. Task accomplished. At the same time, it’s utterly defeating when you get back home and realize that although you’ve made your best effort, you forgot to add something to the list. Bummer.

Life is often like grocery shopping. You are making your best effort to be responsible and accomplish all the tasks on your to do list. Cooking. Cleaning. Laundry. Exercise. Rest. Work. Etc. The balancing act can be empowering at times but defeating at others. When we’ve forgotten something on the list, and a ball drops, we often beat ourselves up for not ‘having it all together.’


But God’s word encourages us that we don’t have to control it on our own. His word says that “by His spirit He has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” (2 Peter 1:3) We more easily understand His provision for our godliness than His provision for life. His provision for life means He cares about the natural things too. He cares that I’m overwhelmed with work this week. He wants to meet me and give me grace to endure. He cares that my relationship with my children is strained. He wants to be the peacemaker. He cares that I’m struggling with my heath. He wants to heal and restore. He cares about our lives; every bit. He wants us to invite Him in to the ordinary and everyday situations. And when He’s in it, He’ll ensure that we lack nothing. He’ll accomplish the will of God in and through us.


So we don’t have to worry about the list anymore. It’s in His hands and He’ll make sure that we have everything we need. 


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