God Always Comes Through

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When you can sing that song “Trouble…….trouble, trouble, trouble” because it is all around you and it seems like things couldn’t get much worse, you need help. Sometimes life takes a turn for the worse and you are in a season of heartache and searching. Remembering to look for the good and being thankful will certainly help going through. There is another practice of life that keeps you hopeful and confident for the future. This practice is to magnify God. The memory came back today when the Lord spoke to my heart because I kept talking about what was wrong. He spoke to my heart saying “Kim, don’t magnify the problem. Magnify Me and see what I do.” It was about 15-20 years ago when my children were in their teenage years that God first encouraged me in this. Just divulging that, most parents will know what pressure and trouble I’m talking about that can affect your life during those years. God was faithful and I’m glad I trusted Him. So, once again, the Spirit of God is reminding me to magnify Him and see what He will do. So, to all my family and friends —-” Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together! Psalm 34:3

For whatever you may be going through — magnify Him. I’m excited to see what He will do -AGAIN!!!

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