Have you experienced the pain of a devastating loss of someone you love? Or the death and disappointment of something you put your whole heart into, a dream or how you thought things would be?
It can freeze you in your tracks. The pain inside makes you feel like your chest might explode. When my Mom was leaving this world I hurt so bad I couldn’t even talk. When my younger brother went to glory I ached inside for days if not months. I have never lost a child. My husband is still with me . I can’t even imagine that loss and how it would effect me.
Pain of heart and grief comes in many forms and different degrees throughout life. In it all, God is there.
I want to assure you God is VERY close. Psalm 34:18 declares HE is “close to the brokenhearted.” When you can breathe again, one of the best things you can remember is just do the next thing in front of you. “Step by step” and “one day at a time” are good models to live by. God will help you. God’s grace will be there even if you feel you are faltering. Be patient with yourself and continually open your heart to God. Use your voice to just say “help” when you need it and whisper “Jesus”. He loves you/us so. He understands. He cares. He is right there.