When you realize the truth that you have purpose in this life you also realize to accomplish anything you have to do it intentionally. Do it on purpose!

As a follower of Jesus Christ we have been C A L L E D. When our parents called to us when we were young, we answered and then had to get up and go when we heard “Come here please”. We went and they told us what they wanted.
The same is true with our heavenly Father. He wants us to come to Him. He wants to tell us things and help us through the seasons of life. He teaches us and guides us and loves us. He has good plans for us. He has put purpose in our hearts. He will lead us on that path of purpose and give us everything we need as we get up and go to where He is calling us to. And when things don’t seem to be right in life we can trust that He will work it all out. We are not perfect in everything we do and say but as we keep our hearts open to our heavenly Father works it together for our good.
So get up, my friend, answer the call of God. Get up and move forward trusting His leading as you hear His voice in your heart, when you read your Bible, in your quiet moments, in your messes, in your heartaches and joys of life. He is with you. He is for you. He has called you by name and wonderfully created you with purpose.