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Work it out, Girl!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

1 Timothy 4:8 states the following,


8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.


Thoughts of losing weight and getting in shape seem to come around every start of a new year. It is wise to care about being healthy and fit but godliness with contentment is the greater gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)


The Bible tells us in Philippians 2:12 to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in us both to will and to do for His good pleasure.


I like to say it like this: “This life in Christ, we learn it not earn it.” This working out our salvation comes as we journey through life learning God’s ways as we go. We learn from His Word. We learn as we interact with people and through relationships how God wants us to treat others and ourselves. Holy Spirit is constantly working in us, stirring us on. He shows us things we need to be aware of and possibly adjust in our lives. Working out our salvation is staying connected and engaged with God through Christ , His Son, and being filled with the Holy Spirit walking day in and day out trusting and yielding our lives. We learn as we go. We don’t earn it as we go.

Once you’ve given your heart to Jesus Christ the Bible says your heart is sealed until the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30) You’ve been bought with a price. (1 Corinthians 6:20) That price was the precious blood of Jesus. So because of that great love we can carry on no matter what comes. Whatever the challenge, whatever the struggle, whatever the problem we can work through it because He is with us. He upholds us. As we purposefully surrender to His care, learn from Him and then apply what He shows us to our life , we are working it out by trusting that He is working in us and our circumstances. Our part is to stay humble and cooperative by spending time in God’s presence through the Word, worship and prayer. Our work is to enter in. By enter in I mean spend time with God. Connect on purpose Spirit to spirit with Him. Focus on Him. Turn your thoughts towards Him and adore Him. Thank Him for how He has blessed your life. Meditate on His goodness. His holiness.

There is a song that has lines that say:


Even when I don’t see it , You’re (GOD) working


Even when I can’t feel it, You’re working


You never stop. You never stop working.


He’s the way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper


Light in the darkness, My God, that is who you are.

 Life has been very difficult for so many the past couple of years since the pandemic. Please don’t give up. God is working. Hang in there. Keep going. Press on. Press in. Work it out, girl! You can do it because God is for you and He is faithful. He loves you so.