So We Will Be Fruitful

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Most of us work really hard. Our lives and time are traded for what we choose to do and how we do it. Time off from duties and free time are wonderful and yet fleeting as we care for our families, our homes and our “stuff”. The key is to live with purpose and direction guided by the wonderful Holy Spirit each and every day. Bearing good fruit can only come forth if we have a good root. What’s in our hearts are called “roots” and they are what produce fruit (outward actions) in our lives that we see and experience. Being rooted and grounded in God’s love opens our hearts up to produce good fruit. You can always follow the fruit back to the root. If you see the fruit, you can identify the root. For example, if you experience a lot of joy you most likely have a root of gratefulness. If you are angry and mean you probably have a root of bitterness about something. The Bible says what we sow, we reap. Proverbs 4:23 says to guard your heart above everything else because out of it flow everything you do . . . . all the “issues” of life.

“Bearing fruit” is a phrase used to describe the outward actions that result from the inward condition of a person’s heart. Galatians 5:16–24 contrasts the fruit or works, of the flesh with those of the Holy Spirit. In our sinful nature, we bear things such as idolatry, hatred, jealousy, dissensions, and fits of anger and selfishness. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience or longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatian 5:25 continues “If we live by the Spirit, let us walk by the Spirit.” “What does that mean?”, you ask. Well, the first half refers to our initial salvation. The Spirit shows us our need for Jesus. We all struggle with not acting the way we should at times. So in opening our hearts to him through sowing faith we get saved and get a new heart. Our spirit is cleansed because now the very Spirit of God dwells in our spirit. The second half is our part to walk out that salvation cooperating with the Holy Spirit’s work on the inside of us to bear fruit on the outside that glorifies God. This process gets worked out through our souls (our mind, will and emotions). As this relationship with God is developed we make choices daily to stay in step with what the Spirit shows us.


As followers of Jesus Christ we desire to be like Him and bear good fruit and fruit that remains. We are chosen and appointed to bear fruit. Jesus said very simply, yet profoundly, “He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit.” He also said “without Me you can do nothing.” Good fruit in our lives comes from the root of JESUS CHRIST within us. To God goes all the glory.


Heavenly Father,


Thank You for blessing us with the gift of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that works within us developing beautiful fruit. We want the fruit in our lives to bring love and Your goodness to others. We want to establish Your kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. Your kingdom come and Your will be done through us.

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