Faith is what we are given from the Lord and that faith brings us everything; salvation starts with faith, understanding the Word comes from our faith Holy Spirit will teach us all things, the reason for our growth and our maturity is faith.
So why do we doubt ourselves? Why when we get the nudge to try some thing new do we hesitate? Or if someone says something negative to us it can grow bigger than faith? Stopping us dead in our tracks
I’ve been asking myself these questions maybe occasionally you’ve thought of it too, maybe not but, I know I heard the Lord say “faith rules!” If I truly believe God loves me and the Holy Spirit directs me why do I sell myself short? Why does the negative so easily outperform the truth?
I believe we are taught from young to look for the negative, to be careful of people, if it’s too good to be true it must be! We have to unlearn these things so that faith is our motivator it’s the fuel in our tanks! We say:
I and Jesus are one
The Father is in love with me
I know the Holy Spirit leads me into all truth and never leaves
I walk by faith and not by sight
I am on the path God has for me and I will succeed at what He’s given me to do because He is for me…always
I love you all
let’s continue to walk by faith daily!