The thought of it, being made Holy. And what does that mean?
It is that after we come to the realization that we are lost without a Savior and separated from our heavenly Father, God, because of “the fall” and sin in our own lives, we open our heart to believe and say “YES” to God’s Son Jesus the Christ to start the process of being made holy. It happens in our spirit by God’s Holy Spirit working in us. That’s what changes and what the phrase “being born again” means. (see 2 Corinthians 5:17) We are a new creation in Christ Jesus.
God, by His Spirit, comes into our spirit and cleanses us and makes us a new creation in Jesus, His Son. This can happen for us because of the sacrifice Jesus made to make becoming holy and right available to ALL. It’s not automatic. WE have to choose Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the LIFE. It’s through his death on the cross and shedding his innocent blood that paid for our sins and the sin of the world.
The change happens from the inside out. God is faithful to always be there and help us in this process. Philippians 1:6 TPT Version says it like this. “I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!”
If you’ve opened your heart and life to Jesus Christ and are a follower of His, stay confident that He is working in all things concerning your growth. Romans 8:28 (one of my favorite verses that I quote often) says it really well. When we just don’t understand and life seems like it’s falling apart remind yourself of this verse below and then TRUST HIM as you just take the next step in life.